

Local business owner & Foundation partner “We know that our local hospital cannot rely entirely on government funding; it is our duty as a community to support the hospital in any way that we can. We live in this community,…


Long-time Foundation donor & volunteer “Our local hospital is part of my family’s story, as it is for so many in our community. Whether it was a visit to the ER or sitting at the bedside of my mother when…
Dr. Pervez Faruqi

Dr. Pervez Faruqi

CKHA Chief of Staff & Paediatrician “Historically, we have heavily relied on our community’s support to enhance and maintain key services.  Given Chatham-Kent’s aging population and the large number of community members with high risk health factors, our hospital’s need…


Clinical Manager, Women & Children’s Program at CKHA “The Women & Children’s Program has been incredibly fortunate in terms of the community support that we’ve received in recent years. There are several pieces of life-changing equipment in the unit that…